Thursday, October 13, 2011


Week 1  04/10/2011

Finally my chef course started and I am really excited... Now don't get me wrong I'm the guy in the bush with short trousers no shoes and no shirt seeing how close I can get to any wildlife and learning their behavior!! But the reason why I like to do the chef course is my best mate is a chef and the way he can make food is absolutely making me jealous, and to be honest I don't know a lot about making food and always liked it...

Well we started by washing dishes and believe you me we washed plenty, the chefs say first you have to know how to clean before you can make food. But I also learned some knife skills like brunoise, jullienne. But unfortunate as any chef I cut my self on my finger and it is deep luckily not necessary for stitches.

We have learned how to cut up a chicken its called portioning you have to feel where the joint is and cut between the joint...

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